Dope Sick Love - 2005
The Shape of Water - 2017
The 400 Blows - 1959
Mad Max: Fury Road - 2015
Donnie Darko - 2001
Moon - 2009
The Revenant - 2015
Tangled - 2010
Wild at Heart - 1990
Star Trek: Generations - 1994
Her - 2013
Psycho - 1960
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - 2013
Howl's Moving Castle - 2004
Breathless - 1960
French Fried Vacation 2 - 1979
The Thing - 1982
A Nightmare on Elm Street - 1984
The Gauntlet - 1977
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - 2008
Dope Sick Love - 2005
The Shape of Water - 2017
The 400 Blows - 1959
Mad Max: Fury Road - 2015
Donnie Darko - 2001
Moon - 2009
The Revenant - 2015
Tangled - 2010
Wild at Heart - 1990
Star Trek: Generations - 1994
Her - 2013
Psycho - 1960
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - 2013
Howl's Moving Castle - 2004
Breathless - 1960
French Fried Vacation 2 - 1979
The Thing - 1982
A Nightmare on Elm Street - 1984
The Gauntlet - 1977
Zack and Miri Make a Porno - 2008