The Visitors: Bastille Day - 2016
Big Hero 6 - 2014
Gone Girl - 2014
Fight Club - 1999
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood - 2019
Finding Nemo - 2003
Deadpool - 2016
Inglourious Basterds - 2009
Spirited Away - 2001
Avatar - 2009
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 2011
Gran Torino - 2008
La La Land - 2016
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - 2008
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 2005
Gladiator - 2000
Pulp Fiction - 1994
GoodFellas - 1990
The Little Mermaid - 1989
Dunkirk - 2017
The Visitors: Bastille Day - 2016
Big Hero 6 - 2014
Gone Girl - 2014
Fight Club - 1999
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood - 2019
Finding Nemo - 2003
Deadpool - 2016
Inglourious Basterds - 2009
Spirited Away - 2001
Avatar - 2009
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 2011
Gran Torino - 2008
La La Land - 2016
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas - 2008
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 2005
Gladiator - 2000
Pulp Fiction - 1994
GoodFellas - 1990
The Little Mermaid - 1989
Dunkirk - 2017