City of God - 2002
The Shawshank Redemption - 1994
A Clockwork Orange - 1971
The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
Shrek - 2001
Titanic - 1997
A Beautiful Mind - 2001
WALL·E - 2008
Parasite - 2019
Shutter Island - 2010
Full Metal Jacket - 1987
Unbreakable - 2000
Fargo - 1996
Pride & Prejudice - 2005
Mulholland Drive - 2001
The Thing - 1982
Joker - 2019
Life of Brian - 1979
Requiem for a Dream - 2000
Dune - 2021
City of God - 2002
The Shawshank Redemption - 1994
A Clockwork Orange - 1971
The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
Shrek - 2001
Titanic - 1997
A Beautiful Mind - 2001
WALL·E - 2008
Parasite - 2019
Shutter Island - 2010
Full Metal Jacket - 1987
Unbreakable - 2000
Fargo - 1996
Pride & Prejudice - 2005
Mulholland Drive - 2001
The Thing - 1982
Joker - 2019
Life of Brian - 1979
Requiem for a Dream - 2000
Dune - 2021