Mikkel Rask: Klassisk Comedy - 2020
Blackaria - 2010
Yona - 2019
Kidsongs: A Day at Camp - 1989
Nobodies! Heroes! - 2019
Arguments - 2014
Vidalita - 1949
Стюардесса - 1967
Klein Duimpje -
Cita con la muerte - 1949
Whirlwind of Paris - 1939
"somedays, i wish you were dead" - 2023
WWE The Great American Bash 2006 - 2006
The Spanish Flu: The Invisible Enemy - 2021
Leopold and the goldfish - 1975
The Retreat of the Turtledove and the Honey Badger - 2023
Lost In Harmony -
Sakura Wars: ~Su~Mi~Re~ - 2002
Migrants - 1991
Suuri illusioni - 1985