Mirror Mirror - 2012
The Shawshank Redemption - 1994
Parasite - 2019
Titanic - 1997
Full Metal Jacket - 1987
Back to the Future - 1985
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - 2011
Shrek - 2001
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1989
Inception - 2010
Into the Wild - 2007
Blade Runner - 1982
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 1975
A Clockwork Orange - 1971
The Dark Knight - 2008
Black Swan - 2010
I Am Legend - 2007
Unbreakable - 2000
Forrest Gump - 1994
Mirror Mirror - 2012
The Shawshank Redemption - 1994
Parasite - 2019
Titanic - 1997
Full Metal Jacket - 1987
Back to the Future - 1985
Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows - 2011
Shrek - 2001
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom - 1984
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - 1989
Inception - 2010
Into the Wild - 2007
Blade Runner - 1982
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - 1975
A Clockwork Orange - 1971
The Dark Knight - 2008
Black Swan - 2010
I Am Legend - 2007
Unbreakable - 2000
Forrest Gump - 1994