Keeping Mum - 2005
The Battle of Kerzhenets - 1971
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 - 2011
Se7en - 1995
Life of Pi - 2012
Hancock - 2008
The Cabin in the Woods - 2012
Django Unchained - 2012
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - 2005
Madagascar - 2005
Back to the Future Part II - 1989
The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
Wreck-It Ralph - 2012
Gladiator - 2000
Happy Feet - 2006
Return of the Jedi - 1983
Freaky Friday - 2003
Kronk's New Groove - 2005
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones - 2002
Wedding Crashers - 2005