Zombie Strippers! - 2008
Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption - 2011
The Intouchables - 2011
High School Musical 2 - 2007
The Hateful Eight - 2015
Midnight in Paris - 2011
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - 2013
Avengers: Endgame - 2019
Justice League - 2017
Shrek Forever After - 2010
Drive - 2011
Bohemian Rhapsody - 2018
Toy Story 2 - 1999
The Theory of Everything - 2014
American Beauty - 1999
Mulan - 1998
The Blues Brothers - 1980
Zootopia - 2016
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - 2004
Scarface - 1983
Zombie Strippers! - 2008
Zombie Apocalypse: Redemption - 2011
The Intouchables - 2011
High School Musical 2 - 2007
The Hateful Eight - 2015
Midnight in Paris - 2011
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire - 2013
Avengers: Endgame - 2019
Justice League - 2017
Shrek Forever After - 2010
Drive - 2011
Bohemian Rhapsody - 2018
Toy Story 2 - 1999
The Theory of Everything - 2014
American Beauty - 1999
Mulan - 1998
The Blues Brothers - 1980
Zootopia - 2016
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - 2004
Scarface - 1983