Hôtel Terminus: The Life and Times of Klaus Barbie - 1988
Seven Samurai - 1954
Eraserhead - 1977
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre - 1948
Wild Strawberries - 1957
The Big Lebowski - 1998
Andrei Rublev - 1966
Laurence Anyways - 2012
Young Frankenstein - 1974
Kill Bill: Vol. 2 - 2004
Reservoir Dogs - 1992
Black Cat, White Cat - 1998
Amélie - 2001
Van Helsing - 2004
Ghost in the Shell - 1995
Chungking Express - 1994
The Sixth Sense - 1999
The Green Mile - 1999
Decalogue VIII - 1989
Mirror - 1975