My Brother Is an Only Child - 2007
Natale a Rio - 2008
Tutti gli uomini del deficiente - 1999
Maximum Velocity (V-Max) - 2002
La cura del gorilla - 2006
I Can Quit Whenever I Want 3: Ad Honorem - 2017
Ask Me If I'm Happy - 2000
Kung Fury - 2015
On My Skin - 2018
Falling Down - 1993
Bohemian Rhapsody - 2018
Arrival - 2016
Star Wars - 1977
Pulp Fiction - 1994
Titanic - 1997
Interstellar - 2014
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - 2012
The Martian - 2015
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King - 2003
The Wolf of Wall Street - 2013