You're Out of Your Mind, Madicken - 1979
Sausage Party - 2016
Edward Scissorhands - 1990
Mallrats - 1995
Babysitting - 2014
Aliens - 1986
The Goonies - 1985
Interstellar - 2014
Casablanca - 1943
City of God - 2002
Bruce Almighty - 2003
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - 1998
The Neon Demon - 2016
Oblivion - 2013
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - 2008
Snatch - 2000
Meet the Fockers - 2004
Muppets Most Wanted - 2014
She's the Man - 2006
Into the Wild - 2007