Jacob's Ladder - 1990
Inception - 2010
Memento - 2000
Schindler's List - 1993
The Shape of Water - 2017
Hidden Figures - 2016
Tangled - 2010
Catch Me If You Can - 2002
Avatar - 2009
The Revenant - 2015
The Hateful Eight - 2015
Joker - 2019
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol - 2011
The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
Psycho - 1960
The Wolf of Wall Street - 2013
Donnie Darko - 2001
Shutter Island - 2010
The Avengers - 2012
The Dark Knight - 2008
Jacob's Ladder - 1990
Inception - 2010
Memento - 2000
Schindler's List - 1993
The Shape of Water - 2017
Hidden Figures - 2016
Tangled - 2010
Catch Me If You Can - 2002
Avatar - 2009
The Revenant - 2015
The Hateful Eight - 2015
Joker - 2019
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol - 2011
The Silence of the Lambs - 1991
Psycho - 1960
The Wolf of Wall Street - 2013
Donnie Darko - 2001
Shutter Island - 2010
The Avengers - 2012
The Dark Knight - 2008